Indie Pop

Anggraeni Widhiasih

Anggraeni Widhiasih 1080 1080 Extended.Asia.Play

Tracklist:  Tatsuro Yamashita – Sparkle Sugar Babe – Shinkirou no…

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Levina 1080 1080 Extended.Asia.Play

“Bedroom Mix” Bedroom becomes the only safest place and music…

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Arsita Pinandita

Arsita Pinandita 1080 1080 Extended.Asia.Play

“Surealisme Via Zoom” Sepanjang tahun 2020, pandemi memaksa semua orang…

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A Conversation with Orkes Taman Bunga

A Conversation with Orkes Taman Bunga 1080 1080 Extended.Asia.Play

VJ>Play Podcast edisi ketujuh ini kami berbincang bersama kelompok musik…

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Irfanpopish 1080 1080 Extended.Asia.Play

Pop Pop Blow Blow Bubble Gum Duapuluh trek berdurasi satu…

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Alvin Bahar

Alvin Bahar 1080 1080 Extended.Asia.Play

“A bunch of interesting, happy-sounding indie pop/j-pop tracks, dedicated to…

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