Raihan Kiagoos

VJ>Play #70

Raihan Kiagoos

Raihan Kiagoos 1080 1080 Extended.Asia.Play

Party Pimple

Pesta disko 1980an pada masanya membuat semua pendengarnya berjoget ria dengan bermacam gaya, break dance, robotic dan sebagainya yang membuat pesta ini sangat spektakuler. Mixtape ini khusus di ramu untuk pecinta disko 1980an yang berbahagia, untuk mencoba merasakan euforianya.

Raihan Kiagoos born in 1997 he is a young artist focusing on graphic-arts. In his daily activities he works at a local creative agency. Raihan’s very likes to driving vespa around the city lonely or “boncengan” 🛵 with his girlfriends to searching some inspiration, from cafe-to-cafe, club-to-club, watching movies, or culinary;diging locals street food. Raihan’s so close with the music to take inspiration, he poured his thoughts into AZYXK (@azyxk) which often always features “checker board” repeatedly as signature. He also often makes comics with an alien language style, and routinely makes zines then publish them up to Osaka, Japan 🇯🇵. In addition Raihan’s joined the collective @tankga_ and made a small graphic studio with her colleague named “Unschool Research Laboratory” (@unschool.lab), focusing on producing ugly works with the RAVE (Radical Audio Visual Experience) spirit.

Cover Artwork by Raihan Kiagoos


  1. Newcleus — Jam On It
  2. Al Naafiysh — Time
  3. Egyptian Lover — Egypt Egypt
  4. Newcleus — Computer Age
  5. Pretty Tony — Fix in The Mix
  6. Connie — Rock Me
  7. Nocera — Summertime Summertime
  8. Triere — All will Ever You Need
  9. Connie — Funky Little Beat
  10. Afrika Bambaataa — Planet Rock
  11. LA Dream Team — Rockberry Jam
  12. LA Dream Team — In The House
  13. Special Request — Salsa Smurph
  14. J.J. Fad — Supersonic 
  15. Gucci Crew — Sally That Girl



article above by: Ext.Asi.Play

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