Mas Dalu


Mas Dalu

Mas Dalu 8333 8333 Extended.Asia.Play

Jogetin Aja

Soal ati, sedhih ora usah dipanjang-panjang. Rasa kuciwa, aja nganti suwe. Dijogetin, and let it go!!. Jogedin Aja, Isine 58 lagu pop Jawa/dangdut/koplo paling apik. Sampeyan bisa ngrungokake ing Spotify: Extended Asia.

Compiled by Mas Dalu—Jakarta based. Is an artist, Dalu Kusma’s cultural activities are closely related to media activism and literacy, while his artistic vision focuses on playing representations through text and images as part of his study of various aspects and forms of relations that exist in contemporary youth life, especially social media users. His artistic practice, in particular, begins with his activeness in building and managing the @masdalu Instagram account brand as an experimental space to respond to and frame actual issues of the lives of generations of social media users through literary approaches and visual communication designs. Through the @masdalu project, he empowers the Instagram platform not only as a tool to distribute content, but also as a medium for the work itself. His other visual works also develop in the popular and vernacular realms, and are distributed anonymously in cyberspace, such as the production of a number of memes that utilize and reinterpret the image findings in a contemporary context.


  1. Guyon Watton – Perlahan
  2. Happy Asmara – Lemah Teles
  3. Didi Kempot – Pamer Bojo
  4. Yeni Inka – Angel
  5. Ndarboy Genk – Mendung Tanpo Udan
  6. Vita Alvia – Los Dol
  7. Happy Asmara – Ku Puja-puja
  8. Denny Caknan – Kartonyono Medot Janji
  9. NDX A.K.A – Tewas Tertimbun Masa Lalu
  10. Didi Kempot – Sewu Kutho
  11. Shaggy Dog feat. NDX A.K.A – Ambilkan Gelas
  12. NDX A.K.A – Kimcil Kepolen
  13. Abah Lala – Gede Roso
  14. Denny Caknan feat. Happy Asmara – Satru
  15. Didi Kempot – Ambyar
  16. NDX A.K.A – Kelingan Mantan
  17. Ndarboy Genk – Balungan Kere
  18. Sahib Sauna – Jajal Kowe Dadi Aku
  19. Denny Caknan – Sampek Tuwek
  20. Nella Kharima – Once Mesra
  21. Denny Caknan – Los Dol
  22. Didi Kempot – Banyu Langit
  23. Guyon Waton – Sebatas Teman
  24. Via Vallen – Sayang
  25. Denny Caknan feat. Guyon Waton – Widodari
  26. Dory Harsa – Sing Tak Sayang Ilang
  27. Jihan Audy – Ku Puja-puja
  28. ILUX – Mundur Alon Alon
  29. Guyon Waton – Menepi
  30. Denny Caknan – Sugeng Dalu
  31. Ndarboy Genk – Ambyar Mak Pyar
  32. Guyon Waton – Pingal
  33. Danang – Wes Tau Jerk
  34. Pendhoza – Demi Owe
  35. Via Vallen – Aku Ra Mundur
  36. Guyon Waton – Korban Janji
  37. Guyon Waton – Lungau
  38. Didi Kempot – Cidro
  39. Dori – Ninggali Tau
  40. Vita Alvia – Lebih Dari Egoku
  41. Didi Kempot – Tanjung Mas Ninggal Janji
  42. Aftershine – Yowes Modaro
  43. Johny Iskandar – Bukan Pengemis Cinta
  44. Elvy Sukaesih – Bisik Bisik Tetangga
  45. Rhoma Irama – Begadang
  46. Caca Handika – Angka Satu
  47. Kalia Siska – Berbeza Kasta
  48. Ikke Nurjanah – Memandangmu
  49. Via Vallen – Selow
  50. Jihan Audy – Prei Kanan Kiri
  51. NDX A.K.A – Sugeng Dalu
  52. NDX A.K.A – Cintamu Tak Terbatas Waktu
  53. Klenik Genk – Manut Dalane
  54. Via Vallen – Bojo Galak
  55. Guyon Waton – Pamer Bojo
  56. Anggun Pramudita – Ngangen
  57. Nella Kharisma – Pamer Bojo


article above by: Ext.Asi.Play

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