VJ>Play Podcast edisi kelima ini kami berbincang dengan Zara Zahrina atau dikenal dengan SKELETALE dari Jakarta. Seorang musisi, selektor dan salah satu pengelola label rekaman bernama Hantu Records. Dalam perbincangan kali ini, Zara ZahrinaΒ berbagi tentang pengalamannya menjadi selektor musik dan perihal praktik berkaryanya.
SKELETALE // Zara Zahrina π©βπ never thought she would end up selecting music she used to dance in her bedroom to for Jakarta’s karaoke parties, from pop-centric @videostarr.mov to Emo Nights all over town. Along the way, she tried her (manicured) π hands on mixing songs inspired by the party girls who came before her–70s disco divas, 80s pop stars, 90s voguer, and 00s video vixen. Expect glam and camp on the floor
Photo Documentation by Skeletale
Track on Podcast by ASAM β Operasi Negasi (Final Mastered).